2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Urban Agriculture: A Solution to Urban Poverty in Gainesville, Florida
Track: Agriculture
Author(s): Shefali Bhattarya

In urban areas where population is growing and poverty and food insecurity is increasing, urban agriculture is often practiced. It provides people with food security where they can grow food and have income for themselves and their families. Agriculture in urban areas (urban agriculture) and the effect it can have on the living standard of urban households depends on a variety of factors and their combination. In the year 2000, Gainesville, Florida, ranked eighth among the top ten metropolitan cities with the highest poverty rates in the United States. East Gainesville is recognized with high poverty rates, which is 46 percent below the poverty level. This research paper investigates the applicability of urban agriculture as an urban development strategy to tackle the poverty and food insecurity problem in Gainesville. GIS is used for site suitability analysis to identify possible land parcels for urban agriculture.

Shefali Bhattarya
University of Florida
Urban and Regional Planning
332 University Village South ## 8
Gainesville , FL 32603
Phone: 352-392-0997
E-mail: shefali@ufl.edu