2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Using GIS to Communicate Sustainable Development
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Forrest Lamb, Barbara Hough

This paper will discuss and provide examples of how GIS can be used by the Air Force at the New Orleans NAS JRB to communicate and promote sustainable development. Natural Resources must be preserved and perpetuated if the human community is to sustain itself indefinitely. Consequently this human community or built-up environment must be tightly coupled or integrated with the natural environment for this concept to work. Therefore it's imperative to comprehend this concept when managing a military installation. GIS is one tool in our arsennal to manage the volume of geospatial data which is used to communicate these sustainable planning concepts with stakeholders, promote facility re-use, help preserve open space, and more.

Forrest Lamb
U.S. Air Force
Civil Engineering
3352 Jason Lane
Gretna , LA 70056
Phone: (504) 678-3735
Fax: (504) 678-3561
E-mail: forrest.lamb@neworleans.af.mil

Barbara Hough
Rexroad APG, Inc.
GIS Technology
620 N Tejon Suite 202
Colorado Springs , CO 80903
Phone: 719.475.9911
E-mail: barb_hough@rexroadapg.com