2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


ArcGIS Tools for Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping and Contingency Planning
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Alexandre Cabral

The oil related activities in Brazil from drilling to production have substantially increased in the last three years. Parallel to that, the environmental concern and legislation reinforcement had a similar increase. This paper shows the results of the development of an ArcGIS tool for the production of environmental sensitivity index maps and application on contingency plans. The framework is based on the combination of different data sources (socio-economy, coastal geomorphology, biologic resources, and remote sensing data). The data is inserted in a geodatabase, and a set of decisions rules and classification criteria is defined for the extraction of the different sensitivity indexes for coastal and fluvial areas in Brazil. The results are applied to environmental licensing and environmental diagnosis, being also used as an important tool for contingency planning. The definition of the equipments and their location are made based on the ArcGIS results.

Alexandre Cabral
Oceansat ltda
Technical Division
Av. Rio Branco, 26, 7th floor
Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro 20090-010
Phone: 55-21-2271-3080
Fax: 55-21-22713090
E-mail: alexandre@oceansat.com.br