2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Integrating Knowledge Representation Into GIS: An Example From Minerals Exploration Track: Mining and Geosciences Author(s): Clinton Smyth, Janice Denovan, Tony Huynh As user demands on GIS technology become more sophisticated, there is a need to integrate computer representations of human knowledge into GIS studies along with raw data. Minerals exploration, which requires the integration and interpretation of large volumes of point and polygon data, provides a good example of this need. We present a case study on 40,000 stream sediments samples covering most of the Canadian province of British Columbia in which: (1) ArcGIS 8.3 spatial join and buffer operations create composite information objects typical of those about which minerals exploration specialists reason; (2) These information objects ("interesting locations") interoperate with a computer repository of human knowledge about mineral deposits to identify deposit types present in the original map; (3) The interoperation results are fed back into ArcGIS 8.3 for display and high-level evaluation by the user. We discuss what is required to carry out all these knowledge integration steps within the ArcGIS environment. Clinton Smyth GeoReference Online Ltd. 850 West Hastings St Suite 301 Vancouver V6C 1E1 CA Phone: (604) 692 0850 Fax: (604) 692 0850 E-mail: cpsmyth@georeferenceonline.com Janice Denovan GeoReference Online Ltd. 301 - 850 West Hastings St Vancouver , British Columbai V6C 1E1 CA Phone: (604) 692 0850 E-mail: jdenovan@georeferenceonline.com Tony Huynh GeoReference Online Ltd. 301 - 850 West Hastings St Vancouver , British Columbia V6C 1E1 CA Phone: (604) 692 0850 E-mail: tony.h@georeferenceonline.com |