2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Visualizing Water Quality in the Adopt-A-Stream Program With GIS
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Nona Yates

The Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) program of Mississippi increases public awareness and involves citizens in water quality monitoring to protect state waters. The AAS program used a Microsoft Access database for notifying volunteers of new courses, creating appreciation certificates, and generating thank you letters. The AAS database is now linked to a hydrography GIS dataset providing the display of streams. The geographic layer used to link with the database is the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). By taking the existing AAS database and linking it with the NHD by stream name, the AAS coordinator was able to better inform volunteers. Volunteers can now be shown the locations of streams in their areas that are currently adopted, have been improved through adoption, and that are in need of adoption. By displaying the currently adopted and impaired streams geographically, the AAS coordinator is able to see where more public awareness and participation is needed.

Nona Yates
State of Mississippi
2380 Highway 80 West
Jackson , MS 39204
Phone: 601-961-5371
Fax: 601-961-5357
E-mail: nona_yates@deq.state.ms.us