2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Lower Nueces River GIS
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Robert Edwards

The Lower Nueces River geographical information system project (LNRGISP) determines which areas are impacting the water quality of the Nueces River between Weasly Sealy Dam and the salt-water barrier. The project is bounded to a one mile area on each side of the river between the two dams. Using aerial imagery, Global Positioning System target points and other data sets will be used to determine points and areas which possibly impact the water quality along the river. Nearest neighbor and grid analysis will be used to determine the degree of impact areas have on the water quality of the river. The results of the LNRGISP showed the degree to which an area impacts the water quality of the Nueces River. The LNRGISP shows that a GIS can be used to determine the areas and degree of impact on the Nueces River.

Robert Edwards
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
8050 SPID
apt J05
Corpus Christi , TX 78412
Phone: 361-334-9713
E-mail: robgisc@yahoo.com