2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Tips and Tricks for Customizing HAZUS-MH (Hazards U.S.-Multihazard)
Track: EMS, Fire and Disaster Management
Author(s): Charles Huyck, Hope Seligson, Shubharoop Ghosh, Edward Bortugno

HAZUS is a widely used loss estimation software developed for FEMA under a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). The most recent version, HAZUS-MH incorporates several fundamental changes, for example: the capability to assess the impacts of flooding and hurricanes expands usefulness significantly, an ArcObjects GIS component integrates hydraulic analysis into a development environment, and attribute data storage in MSDE databases. Each change presents new challenges and opportunities for updating the underlying data and customizing assumptions for a specific area, which greatly improves the accuracy of results. This paper will review several methods to update HAZUS base data and assumptions, including integrating publicly available data; using remote sensing data; evaluating default replacement costs; and making sure the data makes sense geographically.

Charles Huyck
400 Oceangate ste 1050
long beach , CA 90802
Phone: 562 628 1675
E-mail: ckh@imagecatinc.com

Hope Seligson
ABS Consulting
300 Commerce Drive Ste 200
Irvine , CA 92602
Phone: 714-734-4242
Fax: 714-734-4262
E-mail: HSeligson@absconsulting.com

Shubharoop Ghosh
400 Oceangate Suite 1050
Long Beach , CA 90802
Phone: 562-628-1675
Fax: 562-628-1676
E-mail: sg@imagecatinc.com

Edward Bortugno
California Office of Emergency Services
3650 Schriever Ave
Mather , CA 95655
Phone: 916-845-8163
Fax: 916-845-8386
E-mail: Edward_Bortugno@oes.ca.gov