2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Can Power Companies Use Space Patrols to Monitor Transmission Corridors?
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Keith Beck, Renaud Mathieu

The assessment and avoidance of risk are crucial in electrical asset management.Asset managers must ensure that transmission corridors (which contain poles, lines, and utilities) remain clear of objects that may cause faults. Electrical distribution companies are required by energy regulators to submit records detailing the number of hours lost to faults, therefore, companies strive to improve risk assessment via reducing the total minutes lost to faults. DELTA Utility Services and Otago University are researching methods to classify the danger trees pose within transmission corridors. Potential dangers are classified using satellite imagery combined with ArcGIS vector to produce hazard maps. The traditional monitoring method uses ground-based line patrols; however, high resolution satellite images used in conjunction with ArcGIS provide an alternative method of line monitoring. High resolution satellites are capable of identifying both power lines and poles, as well as differentiating both species and tree heights.

Keith Beck
DELTA Utility Services Ltd.
Information Services
10 Halsey St
Dunedin 9001
Phone: 64 03 4796700
E-mail: keithb@del.co.nz

Renaud Mathieu
Universiy of Otago
School of Surveying
310 Castle Street
Dunedin , Otago 9001
Phone: +64 3 479 7585
Fax: +64 3 479 7586
E-mail: renaud.mathieu@stonebow.otago.ac.nz