2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
Global View, Local Setting: Visualization in a Science Museum Exhibit Track: Education Author(s): Paul Couey, Mark Bosworth Metro's Data Resource Center (DRC), in collaboration with Esri and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) are developing a visualization tool to engage a broad spectrum of the public in basic principles of land-use planning. This will become part of a new Technology Hall at OMSI. The design goal of the new wing is to showcase how technology is being used to solve problems and better understand our world. To support this goal, the use of GIS technology in land use and transportation planning will be featured. A highlight of the exhibit will be a multi-scalar display utilizing ArcGlobe technology along with highly detailed local land use and building data. Esri and Metro recognize that the educational goal of the exhibit is closely allied to their own, shared vision of public empowerment through GIS. Paul Couey Metro DRC 600 NE Grand Avenue Portland , OR 97232 US Phone: 503.797.1897 E-mail: coueyp@metro.dst.or.us Mark Bosworth Metro DRC 600 NE Grand Avenue Portland , OR 97232 US Phone: 503.797.1583 E-mail: bosworth@metro.dst.or.us |