2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Significance of a GIS-Based Deeds Recording System
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Andrew Fox

The observation that GIS is not an integral component of most deeds recording systems is surprising because deeds and other legal land documents contain parcel information that drive changes to the foundation of a local government's GIS - the land parcel layer. The adoption of GIS technology by deeds recording offices is an important step forward because all changes to the parcel geometry, ownership, and other critical attribution start with recordation of land documents at these offices. This presentation focuses on how GIS-based deeds recording systems can improve the accuracy and timeliness of all types of land information utilized by other local government departments, such as planning, zoning, and assessment.

Andrew Fox
International Land Systems (ILS)
Domestic Programs
9525 Georgia Avenue, ##205
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Phone: 301-587-7531
Fax: 301-587-2796
E-mail: afox@landsystems.com