2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Using GIS to Identify Remediation Areas in Landfills
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Linda Tedrow, Bruce Becker

This paper reports the use of GIS mapping software-ArcMap and ArcInfo Workstation-by the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) as a non-intrusive method of locating and characterizing radioactive waste in a 97-acre landfill to aid in planning cleanup efforts. The fine-scale techniques and methods used offer potential application for other burial sites for which hazards indicate a non-intrusive approach. By converting many boxes of paper shipping records in multiple formats into a relational database linked to spatial data, the INEEL has related the paper history to our current GIS technologies and spatial data layers. GIS techniques and tools quickly display areas identified for remediation, aid in evaluating remediation technologies, and support the reiterative processes involved in site characterization and early assumption refinement.

Linda Tedrow
Spatial Analysis Lab
262 Hyde
Pocatello , ID 83201
Phone: 208-526-9113
E-mail: tedrla@inel.gov

Bruce Becker
mailstop 3920
P.O. Box 1625
Idaho Falls , ID 83415
Phone: 208-526-6852
E-mail: hbb@inel.gov