2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Advanced Digital Terrain Analysis Using GIS Track: Ecology and Conservation Author(s): Peter Siska, I-Kuai Hung The local variation of terrain properties causes profound changes in the biosphere, microclimate, hydrologic cycle and in distribution of human activities on this planet. With the dawn of computerized technology, the terrain is represented in a digital form and new methods are needed to effectively describe, evaluate and quantify terrain properties. The purpose of this project is to develop new methods and procedures for terrain analyses within a GIS environment. The focus is in developing tools for capturing local terrain variability. The selected parameters such as hypsometric integral, roughness index, and curvature are combined with newly developed dissectivity parameters, drainage density and additional classical statistics in one unified package and programmed in GIS using ARC Macro Language (AML). The digital terrain data from this analysis can then be correlated with other spatial information to determine the influence of terrain properties on the ecosystem or other variables of interest including the human systems. Peter Siska Austin Peay State University School of Agriculture and Geosciences P.O Box 4418 Clarksville , TN 37044 US Phone: 931-221-7454 Fax: 931-221-7284 E-mail: siska@sfasu.edu I-Kuai Hung Stephen F. Austin State University Forestry P.O. Box 6109 Nacogdoches , TX 75962 US Phone: 936-468-2462 Fax: 936-468-2489 E-mail: hungi@sfasu.edu |