2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Design and Implementation of a GIS Metadata System Track: Metadata and Data Publishing Author(s): Jim Ren, Wei Sun The Internet technology development has leveraged to publish geographic information to the mass public. To take advantage of the Internet, an integrated Metadata System has been designed and developed in the St. Johns River Water Management District. Its unique architecture and system will be presented in the paper. Metadata for geographic data is often described as data about data. Many local governments have its mandate to share their GIS data. Metadata is a very important part of data sharing. This presentation will focus on the current Internet technology and its application in the GIS metadata system. The presenter will demonstrate the new St. Johns River Water Management GIS metadata server and its impact on live data publishing. The application is located at http://arcimspub.sjrwmd.com/metadataindex/. Jim Ren St. Johns River Water Management District (Florida) Information Resources 4049 reid Street palatka , FL 32178 US Phone: 386-329-4420 E-mail: jren@sjrwmd.com Wei Sun St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka , FL 32178 US Phone: 386-329-4826 E-mail: wsun@sjrwmd.com |