2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
Using ArcPad in the 2004 Census Test Track: Census and Geodemographics Author(s): Warren Drummond To prepare for the upcoming census, the Census Bureau has been exploring the feasibility of using handheld computers, with mapping functionality, instead of paper maps and questionnaires to conduct the enumeration for Census 2010. This concept was recently tested during the 2004 Census Test in Northwest Queens, New York and in three counties in Southern Georgia. For this test, the Census Bureau provided 1150 enumerators with a handheld computer that contained a customized version of ArcPad, Census Bureau TIGER-based shape files, and a plug-in (compact flash type) GPS unit. Enumerators used ArcPad, our maps, and GPS on the handheld computer to locate housing units that required enumeration follow-up. This session will describe our initial objectives, the implementation process, and our preliminary findings of the test. We will conclude with a discussion of issues encountered, next steps, and plans for the next test of handheld computers at the Census Bureau. Warren Drummond U.S. Census Bureau Field Division 8903 Presidential Parkway Washington Plaza One, Room 206 Upper Marlboro , MD 20772 US Phone: (301) 763-8638 Fax: (301) 457-8200 E-mail: wdrummon@info.census.gov |