2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


GEON: The GEON Grid Software Architecture
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Chaitan Baru

The Geosciences Network (GEON) is a multi-university project funded by the National Science Foundation to develop cyberinfrastructure to enable sharing of data sets and services in a distributed environment for the Earth Sciences. The GEON Grid is a distributed network of GEON nodes, each of which runs a GEON software stack that includes Web and Grid services to enable users to register data sets; register services; issue queries across multiple information sources, using spatiotemporal search conditions and ontologies; download data into personal spaces; invoke analysis services; and visualize output of queries and/or analysis. The architecture includes data mediation services, workflow services, and a portal. Much of the data is geospatial and spatiotemporal in nature and provides appropriate search interfaces, and efficient mapping interfaces for such data is an important requirement. The GEON Grid software stack will include ArcIMS as one of its components to provide GIS and mapping functionality.

Chaitan Baru
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Data and Knowledge Systems
9500 Gilman Drive, MC-0505
La Jolla , CA 92093
Phone: 848 534 5035
E-mail: baru@sdsc.edu