2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Decision Making Aided by 3D Scene
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): David Yun

The City of San Luis Obispo council members had to decide whether to put a 50-foot flag pole on a hill located near the entrance of the city. One group advocated the project to display the flag as a patriotic symbol. Another group opposed the project to save the visual aesthetic of surrounding open space hills. ArcGIS was used to simulate the proposed flag pole in ArcScene. Aerial photograph was draped on top of the elevation grid. Point feature was put in the proposed location then extruded 50 feet to simulate the flag pole. 3D scene animations were captured as a movie clip for public hearing presentation. Spatial analysis was also used to delineate the areas that can and cannot see the flag pole. ArcGIS with 3D Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extensions aided council members to come to a decision.

David Yun
City of San Luis Obispo
Public Works
955 Morro St
San Luis obispo , CA 93401
Phone: 805-781-7189
Fax: 805-781-7198
E-mail: dyun@slocity.org