2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


The Learning Process of Migrating to ArcGIS and the Geodatabase
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Christy Flickinger, Daniel Teaf

In 2002, Florida's Turnpike Enterprise migrated to ArcGIS and the geodatabase. Through trial and error, we developed a successful GIS structure. We learned how to create a geodatabase; create users for the geodatabase; proper backup techniques; how to create, update, and distribute metadata, and the process of managing a day-to-day geodatabase. We also learned of numerous capabilities in ArcMap that addressed several mapping issues we had while using ArcView 3.2a.

Christy Flickinger
Florida's Turnpike Enterprise
Turnpike Milepost 263, Bldg. 5315
Ocoee , FL 34761
Phone: 407-532-3999
E-mail: christy.flickinger@dot.state.fl.us

Daniel Teaf
Florida's Turnpike Enterprise
Turnpike Milepost 263, Bldg. 5315
Ocoee , FL 34761
Phone: 407-532-3999
E-mail: daniel.teaf@dot.state.fl.us