2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Integrating Enterprise Oracle-Based Applications With GIS Capabilities: Web SDE Editing Track: Application Development Author(s): Iris Hadar, Mikko Louhivuori, David Gabai Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has developed its enterprise GIS over the passed three years. IAA has decided to facilitate its GIS operation using an Intranet web based application, providing all GIS users with view, edit and query capabilities. Throughout the development process, IAA encountered two main problems: how to integrate geographic data into an existing Oracle based application while not using "Oracle Spatial" and how to enhance ArcIMS application with ArcSDE editor (insert, delete and modify) capability and Oracle capabilities to improve multilayer queries and alphanumeric data entry. This paper presents IAA's solution for those problems and how it facilitates IAA GIS infrastructure using ArcIMS web application serving Oracle existing applications as a kind of "Geographic Web Service"and SDE "Editor" Module developed by IAA (using Java API). Iris Hadar Israel Antiquities Authority IT P.O.B 586 Jerusalem , Jerusalem 91004 IL Phone: 972 2 6204661 Fax: 972 -2- 6262636 E-mail: iris@israntique.org.il Mikko Louhivuori Isarel Antiquites Autority P O B 586 Jerusalem 91004 IL Phone: 972-2-6204667 E-mail: mikko@israntique.org.il David Gabai Israel Antiquities Authority Planing & Coordination POB 586 Jerusalem , Israel 91004 IL Phone: +972-26204660 E-mail: davidg@israntique.org.il |