2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Web Services Assist USDA Senior Officials With Access to Critical Data
Track: ArcWeb Services
Author(s): Sandy Facinoli

The USDA created an eGovernment Prototype to demonstrate to senior officials and staff across the department how eGovernment enhances access to critical information and services. WebServices is a component in several of the "scenarios" that show near-term and future possibilities. By integrating WebServices with data from USDA, other federal government agencies, and commercially available sources, the Prototype provides some USDA officials with their first glimpse of information displayed in a geospatial format. These map presentations are crucial when making time-sensitive decisions. The Prototype shows how data mining of distributed information centers combined with geospatial queries and analysis allows users to get exactly the "picture" they need. By displaying data that has not typically been correlated in presentations, and certainly not as a map of familiar geographical areas, USDA is delivering the power of information management that will meet the demands of customers, partners, and employees.

Sandy Facinoli
Room 444A Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave, SW
Washington , DC 20250
Phone: 202-720-2786
Fax: 202-205-2831
E-mail: sandy.facinoli2@usda.gov