2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Transportation Network Models to Accurately Estimate Transit Level of Service Track: Transportation Author(s): David Racca In models for public transit usage, the factor representing transit service often involves mostly the proximity to transit stops either using walking distance buffers around transit routes or more detailed land use information. These approaches are insufficient to examine the effect transit service has on a person's travel mode decision. In work for the Delaware Transportation Institute, factors for transit level of service were developed using ArcInfo Network Models that more realistically estimate level of service between specified origins and destinations taking into account walking distances, transfers, wait times, and park and rides. Methods discussed for travel time and distance estimates are applicable for other travel modes as well. Transit ridership models using more accurate level of service estimates are discussed. David Racca University of Delaware Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research 284 Graham Hall, Academy St. University of Delaware Newark , DE 19716-7325 US Phone: 302 831-1698 E-mail: dracca@udel.edu |