2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Evaluation of Potential Hydropower Sites Throughout the United States Track: Water Resources Author(s): Gregory Carroll, Shane Cherry, Kelly Reeves, Randy Lee AMLs were used to develop a GIS layer of hydropower potential for all 50 U.S. states. This study focuses on low-head/low-power sites yielding less than 1 MW of power. The suitability of individual hydropower sites are being evaluated using GIS proximity analysis. Site evaluation factors may include land use, site accessibility, as well as proximity of the site to population centers, roads, and power lines. Site rating results will be incorporated into additional nationwide GIS data layers. The hydropower potential and site suitability map layers will be deployed on a public website using ArcIMS. These datasets will assist private and public power users to evaluate sites for potential hydropower development. In addition, this information will help the U.S. Department of Energy determine research priorities for hydropower extraction technologies. Gregory Carroll Bechtel Remote Sensing & GIS Center 1000 River Walk Drive Suite 375 Idaho Falls , ID 83402 US Phone: 208-522-2339 Fax: 208-522-4592 E-mail: grcarrol@bechtel.com Shane Cherry Idaho National Environmental & Engineering Laboratory PO Box 1625 Idaho Falls , ID 83415 US Phone: 208-526-1438 E-mail: chersj@inel.gov Kelly Reeves Bechtel National, Inc. Remote Sensing & GIS Center 1000 River Walk Drive Suite 375 Idaho Falls , ID 83402 US Phone: 208-522-3819 E-mail: kreeves@bechtel.com Randy Lee Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory PO Box 1625 Idaho Falls , ID 83415 US Phone: 208-526-0120 E-mail: ldy@inel.gov |