2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


U.S. Army, Pacific Theater Geospatial Database
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Jack Haefner

As the U.S. Pacific Command's Executive Agent for all Pacific Theater terrain analysis and geospatial production, U.S. Army, Pacific has established a Pacific Theater Geospatial Database (TGD). A collaborative effort with U.S. Army, Europe, SAIC, and Esri, the TGD provides a unique geospatial data production, archive, and storage capability at a resolution not currently offered by any other Department of Defense system or agency. The TGD addresses key Homeland Security intelligence analysis requirements by consolidating and disseminating extensive Pacific Theater-unique digital geospatial data and products under a unified data model. In addition, the TGD allows intelligence analysts, planners, and operators to integrate seemingly disparate data to aid in pattern recognition, modeling, and visualization of the battle space.

Jack Haefner
135 Baldwin Rd
Wahiawa , HI 96786
Phone: 808.772.1189
E-mail: jack.haefner@us.army.mil