2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Using BLOBs to Track Edit History of Water Right Features Track: Water Resources Author(s): Steve Hayes, Elizabeth Ayarbe, Christina Noftsker The NMOSE has developed a technique using BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) to maintain and perpetuate documentation relating to the delineation and editing of spatial water right features. Feature-level metadata is necessary due to complex requirements involved in the creation and maintenance of water right geospatial data. Notes and comments pertaining to the edit history of each individual spatial feature are stored in a BLOB field within the feature class attribute table in an ArcGIS Geodatabase. Hydrographic Survey Specialists working with water right feature layers use a customized utility, the Water Right Edit Journal (WREJ), to view feature documentation and make additional entries while editing features. Direct association of feature metadata with individual features has simplified maintenance of documentation as well as promoted the tendency to make comment entries, resulting in over-all better feature documentation. In addition, inheritance of feature documentation during edit procedures such as feature splitting is automatic and provides an integrated method for tracking feature lineage. WREJ requires a minimal amount of VBA scripting and can easily be adapted to other BLOB applications. Steve Hayes Office of the State Engineer Bataan Memorial Bldg., Rm##102 P.O. Box 25102 Santa Fe , NM 87504-5102 US Phone: 505 827-6321 E-mail: shayes@ose.state.nm.us Elizabeth Ayarbe Office of the State Engineer P.O. Box 25102 Santa Fe , NM 87504-5102 US Phone: 505 827-4264 E-mail: layarbe@ose.state.nm.us Christina Noftsker Office of the State Engineer Hydrographic Survey Bureau P.O. Box 25102 Santa Fe , NM 87504-5102 US Phone: 505 827-7849 Fax: 505-827-7874 E-mail: cnoftsker@ose.state.nm.us |