2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


NJDOT and NHDOT Statewide Transportation Data Model
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Jim Carl, Jim Irwin, Kirk Weaver, Donald Perry

New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) have recently adopted a simplified Esri UNETRANS model for their transportation network. The model calls for the spatial data to have a dual centerline representation of divided highways and single centerline representation for all other routes. All spatial data are stored and maintained in Esri ArcSDE and ArcGIS software. For NHDOT, the primary implementation task is to inventory all state maintained roadways including ramps and circles. For NJDOT, the primary task is to digitize all public roads within the state from newly acquired 2002 orthophotos at 1-foot resolution. The newly acquired data will allow for more accurate mileposting measurements and linear referencing of features. This presentation will discuss the key challenges, similarities and differences between the implementations of the model at two states.

Jim Carl
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Bureau of Transportation Data Development
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton , NJ 08625
Phone: 609-530-3522
E-mail: Jim.Carl@DOT.STATE.NJ.US

Jim Irwin
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Transportation Planning
PO Box 483, Hazen Drive
Concord , NH 03302
Phone: 603-271-1626
E-mail: jirwin@dot.state.nh.us

Kirk Weaver
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
GIST Department
301 College Road East
Princeton , NJ 08540
Phone: 609-734-7900
E-mail: kweaver@mbakercorp.com

Donald Perry
New Jersey Department of Transportation
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton , NJ 08625
Phone: 609-530-3522
E-mail: Don.Perry@dot.state.nj.us