

City of San Diego Pedestrian Priority Model
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Joe Punsalan

The City of San Diego is developing a Pedestrian Master Plan that will then be implemented in pilot programs, or Task 2, for improvements to the walking environment such as safety and walkability. GIS is being used to determine the areas throughout the City that generate pedestrian activity and will also assist in determining the communities that will be selected for Task 2. Based on working group discussions and available data, the Pedestrian Priority Model was developed to aid in prioritizing of pedestrian attractors, pedestrian generators, and pedestrian detractors. Attractors are pedestrian-related geographic features that are likely to attract pedestrians. Generators are a mix of demographic data to determine the potential volume of pedestrians based on how many people live or work within the pedestrian activity areas. Detractors are site characteristics that are likely to discourage or detract people from actually walking.

Joe Punsalan
3916 Normal Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-294-4477
E-mail: joe@ktua.com