

Is It Worth It?—Migrating to the ArcSDE Geodatabase
Track: GIS Organization, Management and Implementation
Author(s): Jackie Smith

Many GIS departments continue to maintain data in ArcInfo coverages (such as Librarian or ArcStorm) despite strong suggestion that they move to Esri's geodatabase. They may 'convert' their data over to ArcSDE for viewing purposes only, delaying the time, cost, and effort of migrating ALL editing processes over as well. At HCAD, we have successfully migrated to the geodatabase and are currently maintaining our data layers and processes from within it. This paper will outline the benefits of migrating data and processes to the geodatabase. I will explain the issues discovered in the new geodatabase environment such as issues with data, maintenance, software, GIS staff, and application support. I will also describe our high-level migration plan and costs associated with the major undertaking of migrating to the geodatabase.

Jackie Smith
Harris County Appraisal District
Information Systems
13013 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040
Phone: 713-957-7437
E-mail: jsmith@hcad.org