

Automation of Cadastral Data in San Bernardino County
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Mike Cohen

The County of San Bernardino has some of the fastest growing urban areas in the United States. It is also the largest county in geographical area, covering more than 20,000 square miles.

To improve the quality of government services and better manage development and growth, the county elected to complete the automation of its cadastral (parcel basemap) data.

Lasting more than three years and costing approximately five million dollars, this project proved challenging for the county and its lead vendor, Esri. Utilizing accurate coordinate geometry (COGO) technology and converting the cadastral data from coverage to SDE ensured both accuracy and compatibility with the newest technologies.

More than 750,000 parcels are now automated and, in urban areas, they have an accuracy of +- 2 feet. Powerful GIS applications were developed to maintain and leverage the automated parcel data.

This project exemplified teamwork involving Esri and the County Surveyor's, Assessors, and Information Services departments.

Mike Cohen
County of San Bernardino
Information Services
670 E. Gilbert St.
San Bernardino , CA 92415
Phone: 909 388-0568
Fax: 909 388-5555
E-mail: mcohen@isd.sbcounty.gov