![]() 3rd Generation, Statewide, Detailed Land Use/Cover for New Jersey Track: Ecology and Conservation Author(s): Lawrence Thornton, Craig Coutros, John Tyrawski In 1984, the New Jersey DEP launched a pilot project to delineate the Land Use/Cover(LULC) at 2.5-acre minimum map unit (MMU) using 1984 orthophotos. The project was expanded to the entire state using 1986 hard-copy orthophoto basemaps. In 1995 the LULC was updated with a 1-acre MMU to 1-meter resolution color infrared (CIR) digital imagery using ArcView. The NJDEP has completed the third iteration of the detailed LULC mapping. 2002 1-foot CIR digital imagery was used. Anderson et al. (1976) was employed to code 80 classes. Statistics can be generated for any area of interest in the state for the trends in LULC from 1986-1995 and from 1995-2002. In addition, the NJDEP contracted for the entire visible stream network of the state to be redelineated to the 2002 imagery. The stream layer is currently being attributed and prepared for a geodatabase employing the Arc Hydro data model. Lawrence Thornton New Jersey DEP/OIRM NJDEP P.O. Box 428 Trenton , NJ 08625 US Phone: 609-633-8144 Fax: 609-292-7900 E-mail: lawrence.thornton@dep.state.nj.us Craig Coutros New Jersey DEP/OIRM Bureau of GIS P.O. Box 428 Trenton , NJ 08625 US Phone: 609-292-0899 Fax: 609-292-7900 E-mail: craig.coutros@dep.state.nj.us John Tyrawski New Jersey DEP/OIRM Bureau of GIS P.O. Box 428 Trenton , NJ 08625 US Phone: 609-777-0151 Fax: 609-292-7900 E-mail: john.tyrawski@dep.state.nj.us |