

Multirole Geospatial Data Infrastructure
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Author(s): Luis Nunes, Alberto Silva

The Army Geographic Institute is responsible for the national basemap of Portugal and derived scales such as aeronautical charts, NATO maps and other geospatial information.

To make this information available in real time for the users, it conceived and developed a tactical-strategic system based on a geospatial data infrastructure, materialized in a GIS characteristics system, with Internet, intranet, and isolated application execution scopes, for specific actors in distinct operational activities. Conceptualization, implementation, modeling of a relational geographical database, and analysis tools were key to a project that permits optimization of the battlefield study and the Intelligence Preparation Battlefield (IPB), involves the military decision process, and enables the distribution and publication of citizenship information in the World Wide Web, with geospatial information from the national territory and globe zones where Portuguese forces are deployed.

Luis Nunes
Geographic Institute of the Army
Development and Conception Department
Av� Dr Alfredo Bensa�de
Lisboa 1849-014
Phone: 351218505313
E-mail: lnunes@igeoe.pt

Alberto Silva
Instituto Superior T�cnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa
Lisbon , Lisbon 1049-001
Phone: +351 21 843 85
E-mail: alberto.silva@acm.org