Holistic Analysis of Crime and Disorder (CANDDIS) Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Author(s): Lionel Slade CANNDIS is a PhD project being developed for senior managers in the community safety sector. Users are able to display aggregated statistics of crime in their district. Aggregated statistics are easier to understand and give a quick and easily understood overview of trends and performance. The system is innovative because it applies the HASCADE methodology for identifying "priority areas" and holistic analysis of data. A sophisticated SDSS defines areas with a higher propensity for certain crime categories. The algorithm suggests intervention policies using the analysis. This powerful system will be coupled with easy-to-use circular statistic interfaces and advanced address matching techniques to further increase the user's analytical capabilities. Trials are being undertaken with same system being applied with a focus on fire data. The system uses Esri ArcIMS as its user interface. This software was selected because of its delivery of very easy to understand spatio-temporal data. Lionel Slade University of Glamorgan School of Computing Treforest PONTYPRIDD , null CF37 1DL GB Phone: +44(0)144322999 E-mail: lionel.slade@geobureau.co.uk |