

GIS Applications in Nuclear Nonproliferation
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Andr� Poucet

Nuclear safeguards is a set of complex activities performed worldwide to ensure that nuclear material used for peaceful purposes is not diverted for the construction of nuclear weapons or other explosive devices. This control is performed by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 188 states that voluntarily joined the Non Proliferation Treaty. The European Commission's Joint Research Centre started R&D a few years ago in support of the IAEA on the use of geographic information systems to verify declarations of nuclear and nuclear-related activities. This paper, after a brief introduction of the main concept of nuclear safeguards, describes the benefits of using the geographic information systems as the ideal platform for integrating data of different types (site maps, satellite images, GPS, etc.), for supporting declaration, verification, and inspection activities. Finally, the main capabilities of the developed GIS systems based on Esri products will be briefly described.

Andr� Poucet
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
EU-JRC, TP 361
ispra , varese 21020
Phone: +39 0332 786232
Fax: +39 0332 785145
E-mail: andre.poucet@cec.eu.int