

Advanced Use of GIS for Wetlands Mapping in Northern France
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Bertrand De Longueville, Bruno Henquin

The AESN French public agency challenged I-Mage Consult to delimit all the Wetlands, including small wet zones scattered in the whole landscape, of the Seine-Normandy watershed (100.000 km�).

Various data sources (satellite and aerial imagery, topographic maps, thematic GIS datasets) where used to elaborate an exhaustive and homogenous GIS database on these valuable natural habitats.

I-Mage Consult applied a hybrid interpretation methodology using a wide range of Esri tools.

1. Delimitation of Potential Wet Zones combining topological indexes (derived from a digital elevation model with Spatial Analyst) with heterogeneous GIS data (local inventories, water surfaces derived from maps and satellite imagery, etc.)

2. Photointerpretation inside these PWZones using satellite and aerial imagery and also thematic GIS data

Field and aerial survey data was collected using ArcPad to validate results. The final database will be used to optimize further field cartographic works at local scale.

Bertrand De Longueville
I-Mage Consult
122 rue de Gembloux
Namur 5002
Phone: +32 81 470284
Fax: +32 81 470285
E-mail: b.delongueville@i-mage.be

Bruno Henquin
I-Mage Consult
122 rue de Gembloux
Namur , Namur 5002
Phone: +32 81 470284
Fax: +32 81 470285
E-mail: b.henquin@i-mage.be