

Calgary Fire Department's (CFD) Locational Analysis of Needle Boxes
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Bruce McBride, Al Caron

The rapid increase to the City of Calgary's population has also increased the amount of drug use within the downtown core. Although IV drug use is not tolerated, the safety of Calgarians is a priority. Over the years, numerous needles and sharps have been improperly disposed of along Calgary streets, prompting the CFD to create a program to minimize the time spent picking up these discarded sharps. The use of the CFD Needle Drop Off Boxes is a social issue that is helping curb unsafe conditions within the downtown core. By analyzing the existing locations against EMS and Fire responses to overdoses and historical pickup of sharps, the CFD Needle Boxes can be strategically located in areas of high usage.

Bruce McBride
City of Calgary
Geomatics, GIS Mapping
PO Box 2100 Stn M, Mailcode 8218
Calgary , Alberta T2P 2M5
Phone: 403-268-8788
Fax: 403-268-3638
E-mail: bmcbride@calgary.ca

Al Caron
City of Calgary
Calgary Fire Dept
PO BOX 2100 Stn M, Mailcode 49
Calgary , Alberta T2P 2M5
Phone: 403-287-4216
Fax: 403-287-4249
E-mail: acaron@calgary.ca