

Spatial Analysis of Crime Data-City of Montreal, Canada
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Fr�d�ric B�dard, Jos�e Savoie, Krista Collins

The National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) of Canada requested Statistics Canada to produce a spatial analysis of Montreal's crime data. The analysis focused on two main topics: (1) the relationship between crime density, land use and various socioeconomic and demographic indicators, which was based on a similar analysis completed in 2004 for the city of Winnipeg, Canada; and (2) the travel patterns of the accused to the crime location by crime type. The overall objective is to help the NCPC develop crime prevention strategies for the city at the neighbourhood level.

Fr�d�ric B�dard
Statistics Canada
Agriculture Division
120 Parkdale, Jean-Talon bldg.12th floor D1
Ottawa , Ontario K1A 0T6
Phone: 613-951-3861
E-mail: frederic.bedard@statcan.ca

Jos�e Savoie
Statistics Canada
Canada Centre for Justice Statistics
120 Parkdale
R.-H. Coates Bldg, 19th floor
Ottawa , Ontario K1A 0T6
Phone: 613-951-5190
E-mail: josee.savoie@statcan.ca

Krista Collins
Statistics Canada
120 Parkdale
RH Coates bldg
Ottawa , Ontario K1A 0T6
Phone: 613-951-0667
E-mail: krista.collins@statcan.ca