

A Flood Forecasting System Integrating Web, GIS and Modeling Technology
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Michael Butts, Anders Klinting, Martin Ivan, Jacob Larsen, J�rgen Brandt, David Price

Effective operational flood forecasting systems must provide the right information at the right time to decision makers responsible for initiating flood response measures and issuing flood warnings. Key information includes the current river levels, meteorological observations and conditions, rainfall estimates (for example, from weather radar and satellites), as well as quantitative precipitation and hydrological forecasts together with their uncertainty.

To address these requirements a highly accessible internet-based flood decision support system has been developed within the EU project FLOODRELIEF. Designed together with operational forecasters, this system provides information in a flexible, efficient and easily understood manner to operational users and decision makers. Using Esri technology, GIS-based maps are used to provide intuitive displays of the flood status and meteorological observations including weather radar and numerical weather forecasts. This decision support system is applied to regional flood forecasting in the FLOODRELIEF study catchment, the Welland and Glen, United Kingdom.

Michael Butts
DHI Water & Environment
River and Flood Managment
Agern Alle 5
Hoersholm , Frederiksborg 2970
Phone: +45 45169200
Fax: +45 45169292
E-mail: mib@dhigroup.com

Anders Klinting
DHI Water & Environment
River and Flood Management
Agern Alle 5
Hoersholm , Frederiksborg 2970
Phone: +45 45169200
Fax: +45 45169292
E-mail: ank@dhigroup.com

Martin Ivan
DHI Water & Environment
Water Resources Software
Agern Alle 5
Hoersholm , Fredriksborg 2970
Phone: +45 45169200
E-mail: miv@dhigroup.com

Jacob Larsen
DHI Water & Environment
River and Flood Managment
Agern Alle 5
Hoersholm , Frederiksborg DK 2970
Phone: +45 45169200
Fax: +45 45169292
E-mail: jla@dhigroup.com

J�rgen Brandt
National Environment Research Institute
Department of Atmospheric Environment
Frederiksborgvej 399
P. O. Box 358
Roskilde DK 4000
Phone: +45 46301157
Fax: +45 46301214
E-mail: jbr@dmu.dk

David Price
Environment Agency ( Anglian Region)
Kingfisher House
Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay
Peterborough PE2 5Zr
Phone: +44 1733464541
Fax: +44 1733464212
E-mail: david.a.price@environment-agency.gov.uk