![]() Time Series Contaminant Interpolation Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Track: Environmental Management Author(s): Mark Petersen, Todd Lanning Using Esri ArcGIS 9.1 and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to develop a personal database, we have created several visualization tools to depict the spatial distribution of aviation gasoline contamination in groundwater at the spill site. The spilled aviation gasoline and associated aromatic contaminant plume covers approximately 50 acres within the commercial, residential, and recreational areas of the base, and effectively monitoring the site during cleanup has become a high priority. One of the specific techniques developed is the ongoing interpolation and depiction of the spatial distribution of chemical concentrations in groundwater throughout the site. A graphic representation of the temporal changes in floating product and dissolved aromatic chemicals has been exported for a time series presentation using PowerPoint software. This time series tracking information has proven useful in validating the conceptual site model, monitoring cleanup progress, and depicting site conditions to various stakeholders interested in monitoring cleanup progress at the site. Mark Petersen U.S. Air Force Hickam AFB 75 H St. Hickam AFB , HI 96853 US Phone: 808-449-1584 Fax: 808-448-0247 E-mail: mark.petersen@hickam.af.mil Todd Lanning US Air Force Hickam AFB 75 H St. Hickam AFB , HI 96853 US Phone: 808-449-1584 Fax: 808-448-0247 E-mail: todd.lanning@hickam.af.mil |