

Sifting Through and Converting Inconsistent Planimetric and Topographic CAD Drawings
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): April Bowman

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, has been intermittently acquiring digital planimetric and topographic data for the county for more than 15 years. The current dataset consists of 638 quarter section CAD drawings with no formal data specifications. Consequently, there is considerable variation between the CAD drawing layers and features. Incorporating any one layer from the 638 CAD drawings into a countywide GIS project is nearly impossible.

In 2005, the GIS division embarked on a project to convert and merge the 638 CAD drawings to a GIS format and break out the features of each CAD layer into separate feature classes. Due to the amount of data involved, preliminary data conversion tests were performed to determine the easiest method to convert the data. This paper will discuss the conversion methods that were investigated during preliminary conversion tests including the use of standard ArcGIS tools, ModelBuilder, and the Data Interoperability extension.

April Bowman
Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
GeoSpatial Services
710 North 7th Street
Kansas City , KS 66101
Phone: (913) 573-8150
E-mail: abowman@wycokck.org