![]() The European Transtools Transport Model Track: Transportation Author(s): Otto Anker Nielsen The paper present the use of ArcGIS in the Transtools Transport Model created by an international consortia for the European Commission. The model describes passenger as well as freight transport in Europe with all modes (cars, vans, trucks, train, inland waterways, ships and air transport). ArcGIS was not only used for combining, improving and quality control of data but by also using the Geoprocessing Framework as the backbone for the model complex itself. This includes a regional economic model; freight demand and trade models; a freight logistic model; passenger demand model; an airport choice submodel; network assignment models for different modes; and impact models for economics, safety, environment, etc. Covering the entire Europe, the model is most likely the largest transport model ever built in terms of number of countries, population and area being modeled. It is also one of very few models, that both describe freight and passenger transport. Otto Anker Nielsen Technical University of Denmark Centre for Traffic and Transport CTT, DTU, bygning 115, st.tv. Bygningstorvet Lyngby , null 2800 DK Phone: (+45)45251514 Fax: (+45)45936412 E-mail: oan@ctt.dtu.dk |