![]() Costs and Benefits of Universal Broadband Access in Wyoming Track: Telecommunications & Location-Based Services Author(s): Mark Guttman Achieving broadband access to the Internet is as important today as was access to roads, railways and telephones in the last century. At the request of policy makers, the Wyoming Telecommunications Council (WTC) was tasked to identify those areas of the state in which there was no market provider of Terrestrial Broadband Internet access and to estimate the lowest cost technology to provide broadband access to these locations. To support these objectives, a GIS was developed to visualize broadband-served areas, existing equipment locations, and unserved households. Additionally, output from the GIS supports a bottoms-up engineering economic cost model. Together, the GIS data and cost information help policy makers and service providers visualize current broadband deployment, potential demand, and potential deployment costs so that informed decisions can be made to weigh the costs and benefits of providing broadband access to these areas of the state. Mark Guttman CostQuest Associates, Inc. 6261 Ashbourne Cincinnati , OH 45233 US Phone: 513-702-6897 E-mail: mguttman@costquest.com |