![]() Right Tool Right Job--Migration from CAD to GIS Track: GIS Organization, Management and Implementation Author(s): Shawn Croisier The city of Kingston in Eastern Ontario has implemented an enterprise Web GIS system aimed at increasing local economic development, improving local government efficiency, and increasing access to land information. Over several years many divisions within the city acquired GIS and CAD-related software/hardware, converted data, and acquired or developed applications to support various needs within their groups. This presented many problems including lack of resources to maintain data and duplication of efforts in maintaining multiple datasets. To ensure GIS technology was established as an integral part of Kingston's business and to facilitate movement away from isolated planning and implementation of GIS initiatives, the city selected Esri as the standard for its enterprise GIS platform with Orion Technology's OnPoint Software as its Web GIS program. This paper will focus on the data issues related to migrating from AutoCad to ArcSDE, staff training, creating standards associated with the migration, and providing Web GIS solutions to overcome data sharing issues. Shawn Croisier City of Kingston Information Systems 216 Ontario Street Kingston K7L 2Z3 CA Phone: 613.546.4291 E-mail: scroisier@cityofkingston.ca |