Lessons Learned in Building an Overhead Primary and Secondary Network Track: Electric and Gas Author(s): Casty Fortich, Joe Armstrong The electric division of Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) is sharing its experiences in the development of the overhead network, starting from the substation to the service point. PWP contracted with Power Engineers to collect the following information: The GPS points for all electric utility poles and attribute information; the GPS points for all overhead service points and their attribute information; inventory of equipment attached to the electric utility poles and their attribute information; digitized primary circuits and their attribute information starting from the substation; digitized secondary circuits; digitized service line from transformer to service point; and taken photo of the electric pole with a link to the database. PWP's presentation will focus on the lessons learned and the importance of understanding the data being collected, having an accurate data sources, data scrubbing procedures, having a strong project team, conducting a pilot, QA/QC plan, and internal staff resources. Casty Fortich City of Pasadena Water and Power 150 S. Los Robles, Suite 200 Pasadena , CA 91101 US Phone: 626-744-3768 E-mail: cfortich@cityofpasadena.net Joe Armstrong City of Pasadena Water and Power 311 W. Mountain Pasadena , CA 91101 US Phone: 626-744-3705 E-mail: jarmstrong@cityofpasadena.net |