

It's True! We Registered Sixteen Images in Under Two Hours!
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): Phil Hurvitz, Ara Erickson

When faced with the daunting task of performing a land-use change analysis for all of western Washington over 20 years in three time intervals, the few months scheduled to finish the entire project appeared to be far too short. We had scheduled a substantial amount of time just for registering the 16 Landsat scenes covering the study area. After researching different alternatives for image-to-image registration, we serendipitously stumbled upon a program developed by Robert Kennedy at the USDA Forest Service. By collecting just one (yes, one!) point from the reference image and the input image in ArcMap, running Kennedy's simple and free program ITPFind in IDL, and importing automatically generated text files into ERDAS IMAGINE's Geometric Correction tool, we were able to register all 16 images in less than one day. Why more people aren't using this method? Most likely because they don't know it exists. Now you do!

Phil Hurvitz
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
Box 352100
Seattle , WA 98195
Phone: 206 685 8179
E-mail: phurvitz@u.washington.edu

Ara Erickson
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
Box 352100
University of Washington
Seattle , WA 98195-2100
Phone: (206) 543-7418
E-mail: arake@u.washington.edu