

A Mobile Storm Water Facility Information Collection System for Fulton County
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Ryan Clarke, Carl Anderson, Pat Curley

GIS and mobile computer technologies provide the foundation for many data collection applications, increasing the efficiency and accuracy of information gathering efforts. In the case of the Fulton County Department of Public Works' storm water facility maintenance program, data is collected in the field regarding the condition, maintenance status, and location of storm water facilities. An ArcPad software-based data collection system was developed to eliminate paper forms previously used to collect facility information. The ArcPad system improved the efficiency of the data collection effort and the accuracy of information collected in the field.

This paper examines how a Mobile GIS-based, storm water information collection system was implemented using ArcPad Application Builder running on portable GPS integrated handheld computers. The finished product shows how mobile GIS technology significantly improved Fulton County's Stormwater Management Program's data collection and management efforts.

Ryan Clarke
Brown and Caldwell
990 Hammond Drive
Suite 400
Atlanta 30328
Phone: 770-673-685
E-mail: rclarke@brwncald.com

Carl Anderson
Fulton County
Department of Environment and Community Development
141 Pryor Street
Suite 5001
Atlanta , GA 30303
Phone: 404-730-8026
E-mail: carl.anderson@co.fulton.ga.us

Pat Curley
Brown and Caldwell
990 Hammond Drive
Suite 400
Atlanta , GA 30328
Phone: 770-673-3640
E-mail: pcurley@brwncald.com