

Riparian Land Cover Inventory for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Raymond Crew, Rick Day

Preserving and establishing healthy riparian forests and wetlands have numerous ecological benefits. Not understanding where proper buffers are, where they are missing, and how buffer conditions are changing over time are obstructions to maintaining and reestablishing buffers. The Chesapeake Bay Program Office funded Penn State University to inventory and analyze the riparian landcover conditions in the Bay watershed for 1990 and 2000.

The watershed contains approximately 464,000 km of stream banks and waterbody perimeters. This prohibits generating a consistent inventory using conventional methods. A method was constructed and developed for the ArcGIS environment to regularly sample the land cover in the riparian zones and then generate statistics on a subwatershed scale. The primary data layers used were the 1:24K Resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and land-cover datasets produced by the mid-Atlantic Regional Earth Science Application Center (RESAC).

Raymond Crew
Penn State University
Crop & Soil Sciences
116 Ag Sci & Ind Building
University Park , PA 16802
Phone: 814-863-7001
E-mail: rcc105@psu.edu

Rick Day
Penn State University
Crop and Soil Sciences
116 Ag Sci & Ind Building
University Park , PA 16802
Phone: 814-863-1615
E-mail: rday@psu.edu