Development of Maps and Brochures for Biking Trails Track: State and Local Government Author(s): Alberto Barud The Center for Environmental Resource Management (CERM) at the University of Texas at El Paso has been working in El Paso, Texas, and Ju�rez, Mexico, to come up with a series maps, brochures and an Internet map server to promote cycling in the area. CERM utilizes Esri software to map the different trails and develop the various maps and brochures that include several biking routes for recreational, mountain, and road cyclists. CERM has also offered a map server to show and edit the maps online. The project includes an evaluation component where local cyclists expressed their preference for the type of maps they think are best suited to their interest and skill level. Alberto Barud UTEP CERM 500 W. University El Paso , TX 79968-0684 US Phone: 915-747-7632 E-mail: albertobz@utep.edu |