GIS Integration in Local Government: The Rural Challenge Track: State and Local Government Author(s): Heather Landry Colleton County is a predominately rural community encompassing approximately 1,100 square miles of land and serving a population of approximately 38,000 people. In 2003, the county began implementing an enterprise GIS with its decision to convert its paper tax maps into a digital format. County staff faced a number of challenges throughout the parcel conversion process, some anticipated and others not. The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges and rewards of system migration in a community with limited resources. Colleton County's parcel conversion project will serve as a case study to highlight the many issues encountered during the project and the achievements that followed. Local governments that operate in predominately rural communities may benefit the most from this paper in that many of the challenges the county faced throughout this process are inherent to local governments with limited resources: leadership, funding, education, and a skilled work force. Heather Landry NOAA Coastal Services Center 2234 South Hobson Ave Charleston , SC 29405 US Phone: 843-202-2622 E-mail: heather.landry@noaa.gov |