An ArcIMS Application with the Kentucky Climate Center at WKU Track: GIS Organization, Management and Implementation Author(s): Shawn Simpson The ability to access, display and manipulate geospatial data on the Internet has become a major data mining technique. The importance of information is that it is an essential part of our ability to make good, rational decisions about the environment we live in. Today, the amount of data available for analysis is almost immeasurable. Our data collection methods (e.g., GPS technology and satellite imagery) have provided a wealth of data that demands new techniques for analysis. Internet GIS provides a means for online visualization tools that can better assemble, organize and manage the abundance of data we have today, and it allows researchers to better analyze today's geospatial data. Internet GIS provides a way for researchers to experience the data, which in turn, provides the foundation for clearer, better decisions. Shawn Simpson Student 3870 D Banyan Drive Bowling Green , KY 42104 US Phone: 2707452981 E-mail: simpssm@wku.edu |