

From ZIP Codes to a Better Framework for Health Care Data
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Mike Byrne, Scott Christman

ZIP Code level data is widely used to publish health care information for research and analysis. However, there are often too few data points from any one ZIP Code for public release under current federal law (HIPAA). More important, ZIP Code boundaries change frequently over time according to the needs of the United States Postal Service (USPS). Finally, ZIP Codes offer no consistent approach for delivering demographic indicators. This paper articulates a method of creating annual ZIP Code crosswalks to a more rigorous, census-based spatial framework--the Medical Service Study Area (MSSA). The approach makes use of weighted population centers, the MSSA and a probability score that a ZIP Code is properly matched. Development of these annual crosswalks enables data providers to maintain strict compliance with privacy rules, offers a more effective spatial unit for multiple year analysis, and supports meaningful demographic denominators for more robust patient care studies.

Mike Byrne
California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
1600 9th Street, room 440
Sacramento , CA 95814
Phone: (916) 654-1833
E-mail: mbyrne@oshpd.ca.gov

Scott Christman
Ca. Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
818 K Street, Room 300
Sacramento 95814
Phone: (916) 323-1414
E-mail: schristm@oshpd.ca.gov