![]() Modeling the South American Range of the Cerulean Warbler Track: Ecology and Conservation Author(s): Paul Hamel, Esra Ozdenerol, Paolo Ramoni-Perazzi, Kate Girvan, Andrea Ganzenmueller, Sebastian Herzog, David Mehlman, Francisco Cuesta, Maria Isabel Moreno, Sara Barker, Silvia Benitez, Jennifer Baldy, Melinda Welton, A. Hennessey, Paul Salaman, David Diaz, Olga Hernandez, Gabriel Colorado, Diego Cisneros-Heredia, Ian Davidson, Tom Will, Santiago Garcia, Esteban Guevara, David Romo, Tatiana Santander, Carolina Tovar Ingar, Milton Romero Successful conservation of rare species requires detailed knowledge of the species' distribution. Modeling spatial distribution is an efficient means of locating potential habitats. Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea, Parulidae) was listed as a Vulnerable Species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 2004. These neotropical migratory birds breed in eastern North America. The entire population migrates to the northern Andes in South America to spend the nonbreeding period. As part of a larger international conservation effort, we developed spatial hypotheses of the bird's occurrence in South America. We summarized physical, climatic, and recent land-cover data for the northern Andes using Esri software, ArcGIS. We developed five hypothetical distributions based on Mahalanobis D, GARP, BioCLIM, MAXENT, and Domain models. Combining results of the different models on the same map allowed us to design a rigorous strategy to ground-truth the map and thus to identify sites for protection of the species in South America. Paul Hamel USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station P.O. Box 227, 432 Stoneville Rd. Stoneville , MS 38776 US Phone: 662 686 3167 Fax: 6626863195 E-mail: phamel@fs.fed.us Esra Ozdenerol University of Memphis Earth Sciences 236 Johnson Hall 488 Patterson St. Memphis , TN 38152 US Phone: 901 678 2787 E-mail: eozdenrl@memphis.edu Paolo Ramoni-Perazzi Universidad de Los Andes Biologia Facultad de Ciencias Merida 5101 VE Phone: 58 7 440 1304 E-mail: rpaolo@ula.ve Kate Girvan Norval Outdoor School P.O. Box 226 Norval , Ontario L0P 1K0 CA Phone: 905 877 2201 E-mail: kgirvan16@hotmail.com Andrea Ganzenmueller Ecociencia Francisco Salazar E14-34 y Av. La Coruna P.O. Box 17-12-257 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 231 624 E-mail: andrea_ganzenmueller@yahoo.com Sebastian Herzog Asociacion Armonia Av. Lomas de Arena 400 Casilla 3566 Santa Cruz de la Sierra BO Phone: 591 3 356 8808 E-mail: skherzog@armonia-bo.org David Mehlman The Nature Conservancy 1303 Rio Grande Blvd NW Suite 5 Albuquerque , NM 87104 US Phone: 505-244-0535 E-mail: dmehlman@tnc.org Francisco Cuesta Ecociencia Francisco Salazar E14-34 y Av. La Coruna P.O. Box 17-12-257 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 231 624 E-mail: F.CuestaCamacho@student.uva.nl Maria Isabel Moreno Fundaci�n ProAves Carrera 20 No 36-61 Bogota , D.C. CO Phone: 57 1 340 3229 E-mail: mmoreno@proaves.org Sara Barker Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd. Ithaca , NY 14850 US Phone: 607-254-2104 E-mail: sb65@cornell.edu Silvia Benitez The Nature Conservancy Calle Los Naranjos N44-491 y Azucenas Sector Monteserrin Quito EC Phone: 593 2 257138 E-mail: sbenitez@tnc.org Jennifer Baldy University of Memphis 1228 Pallwood Memphis , TN 38122 US Phone: 901 678 2178 E-mail: jbulmansk@memphis.edu Melinda Welton Tennessee Ornithological Society 5241 Old Harding Franklin , TN 37064 US Phone: 615 799 8095 E-mail: weltonmj@earthlink.net A. Hennessey Asociacion Armonia Av. Lomas de Arena 400 Casilla 3566 Santa Cruz de la Sierra BO Phone: 591 3 356 8808 E-mail: tangara@unete.com Paul Salaman American Bird Conservancy 4249 Loudoun Ave. P.O. Box 249 The Plains , VA 20198 US Phone: 540 253 5780 E-mail: psalaman@abcbirds.org David Diaz Birdlife International Vicente Cardenas E5-75 y Japon, 3er Piso, C.P. P.O. Box 17-17-717 Quito - EC Phone: 593 2 245 3645 E-mail: david.diaz@birdlife.org.ec Olga Hernandez WWF-Colombia Carrera 35 ##4A-25 San Fernando Cali - Valle CO Phone: 57 2 558 2577 E-mail: olhernandez@wwf.org.co Gabriel Colorado Universidad Nacional de Colombia Calle 52B ## 80-35, Apt. 402 Medellin - CO Phone: 57 4 234 5035 E-mail: gjcolora@epm.net.co Diego Cisneros-Heredia Aves&Conservacion (Corporacion Ornitologica del Ecuador) / Universidad San Francisco de Quito Pasaje Joaquin Tinajero E3-5 y Calle Jorge Drom Casilla Postal 17-17-906 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 227 1800 E-mail: diegofrancisco_cisneros@yahoo.com Ian Davidson BirdLife International Vicente Cardenas E5-75 y Japon, 3er Piso, C.P. P.O. Box 17-17-717 Quito - EC Phone: 593 2 245 3645 E-mail: ian.davidson@birdlife.org.ec Tom Will U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Migratory Birds 1 Federal Drive - 6th floor Fort Snelling , MN 55111-4056 US Phone: 612 713 5362 E-mail: tom_will@fws.gov Santiago Garcia Birdlife International Vicente Cardenas E5-75 y Japon, 3er Piso, C.P. P.O. Box 17-17-717 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 245 3645 E-mail: birdlife@birdlife.org.ec Esteban Guevara Aves&Conservacion Pasaje Joaquin Tinajero E3-5 y Calle Jorge Drom Casilla Postal 17-17-906 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 227 1800 E-mail: avesyconservacion@uio.satnet.net David Romo Universidad San Francisco de Quito Campus Cumbaya-Diego de Robles y Via Interoceanica P.O.Box 1200 841 Quito EC Phone: (593)-2-297-170 E-mail: david@usfq.edu.ec Tatiana Santander Aves&Conservacion Pasaje Joaquin Tinajero E3-5 y Calle Jorge Drom Casilla Postal 17-17-906 Quito EC Phone: 593 2 227 1800 E-mail: avesyconservacion@uio.satnet.net Carolina Tovar Ingar Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Centro de Datos para la Conservacion Av. La Universidad s/n La Molina Lima PE Phone: (51) 1-3496102 E-mail: ctovar@lamolina.edu.pe Milton Romero Instituto Humboldt Calle 146A No. 40A - 18 Apt. 702 Bogota CO Phone: (57) 1-608-6900 E-mail: mhromero@humboldt.org.co |