

SisMap: A Real-Time Tool for Earthquake Monitoring
Track: Disaster Mangagement and Emergency Response
Author(s): Fawzi Doumaz, Lucio Badiali

In detecting earthquakes, sharing information with the scientific community and civil defence agency is crucial, requireing smarter computational tools. SisMap satisfies such a need. It is a GIS-based software embedding ArcObjects.

It has been developed as the main control window on the seismic acquisition system and acts as a control panel to run applications that enhance earthquake-related data. The GIS is synergistic and proactive helping personnel make decisions in a short time and communicate only

required information to experts. As soon as an earthquake is detected, assessments on damaged areas, sending aids where needed and starting rescues quickly. Scenarios can also help for preparedness exercises and disaster planning. Thematic layers can be combined with real-time localization for several purposes during crisis. SisMap can print reports, send e-mail, and update catalogs and Web pages.

Fawzi Doumaz
Istituto Nazionale di Gofisica e Vulcanologia
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
Rome 00143
Phone: +390651860421
Fax: +39065041181
E-mail: doumaz@ingv.it

Lucio Badiali
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
Roma , Roma 00143
Phone: +390651860352
Fax: +39065041181
E-mail: badiali@ingv.it